Hall of Fame

These half Jews / half stoners have proven their status as ultimate Tokin' Jews

We are proud to present to you the Tokin' Jew Hall of Fame inductees:


JESSICA - 2x HoF inductee










Tell us how it feels being a Tokin' Jew Hall of Famer?

JT: Was this by far the most unnecessary thing I’ve ever done in my life? Yes.

Did my parents say that my sister was their only child to light the menorah every night of Hannukah, and then I had to reveal to them my menorah? Yes, I couldn’t let her get away with that credit.

Were my parents proud? Big no.

Was this one of the things I am most proud of and show people the photos and videos constantly? Big yes.

Jessica's Tips for Success:

1.    Roll all 44 joints before Chanukah begins so you have no excuse to not do it.

2.   DO NOT inhale when you are getting it running. Just puff puff and exhale until it’s rolling then start suckin’ em down. The joints won’t burn evenly if you don’t do this.

3.   Enlist MANY friends to help you. You’ll see that even after night one the menorah is a real doozy. Plus it helps to have multiple people help to light this puppy up.

4.   J Menorahs are not just for Channukah. Bring it to festivals and large group outings.  #hannukaheveryday


To be considered for Tokin' Jew royalty, check out The Eight Hazy Nights Challenge.